悦韵乐器 “Collect Your $50,000 Reward: Act Fast”
悦韵乐器 “Collect Your $50,000 Reward: Act Fast”

悦韵乐器 “Collect Your $50,000 Reward: Act Fast”

From: Francishic
Subject: Collect Your $50,000 Reward: Act Fast

Message Body:
COLLECT YOUR $50,000 PRIZE BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbyn-AdPOBFqIMtNSJ99rclRYbbYOrKNwH-UkzGxxpCwdWDEaRK1fNn5gv8IYEDNweU9/exec

This e-mail was sent from a contact form on 悦韵乐器 (https://www.sh-yueyun.com)

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